Page is a work in progress. We are adding links, articles, and pictures to as many cases as we can. This is a time consuming process, we appreciate your patience.
-Some cases may have already been solved and not updated yet.
-If you have information or pictures that can help update this page, please contact us using the contact form on the right.
-If you have information that may help solve any of these cases, do not contact us, contact your local law enforcement instead.
-Some cases may have already been solved and not updated yet.
-If you have information or pictures that can help update this page, please contact us using the contact form on the right.
-If you have information that may help solve any of these cases, do not contact us, contact your local law enforcement instead.
**Currently under research. Story to be posted by November 1, 2014**
Josefina Martinez, Santa Paula, 24 years old.
Lyman & Charlene Smith
Both were 43 years old
Killed by the Original Night Stalker
Jane Doe
Found at the
Westlake High School
parking lot.
Lyman & Charlene Smith
Both were 43 years old
Killed by the Original Night Stalker
Jane Doe
Found at the
Westlake High School
parking lot.
Rachel Rodriguez Zendejas
20 years old
*$10,000 Reward*
Lisa Gondek
20 years old
Rachel Rodriguez Zendejas
20 years old
*$10,000 Reward*
Lisa Gondek
20 years old
*DNA has linked Lisa's & Rachel's murder to the same suspect.*
They were killed 11 months apart
(Rachel in January 1981, Lisa in December 1981)
Cathleen Saline, Moorpark, 26 years old
They were killed 11 months apart
(Rachel in January 1981, Lisa in December 1981)
Gregory Jorgensen, 27 years old.
Pedro Pachuca, Santa Paula, 34 years old.
Durley Park Murders: Jesus Silva Onofre, 22 & Manuel Encarnacion, 28. Both were from Oxnard.
Daniel Garcia Lara, Oxnard, 18 years old.
Jose Basilan, Oxnard, 24 years old. *update* suspect has been sentenced.
Monica Lynne Leech, Thousand Oaks, 39 years old.
Jake Bush, Ventura, 16 years old. *solved* in 2014
Nick Dowey, Ojai, 21 years old.
Jennifer Ann McLaughlin, Ventura, 21 years old.
Gabriela Maldonado, Oxnard, 15 years old.
Louie Fonseca, Santa Paula, 27 years old.
Genaro Jimenez, Oxnard, 17 years old.
Esther Sanborn, Camarillo, 76
Joseph Micheal Strickland, Ventura, 43 years old.
Raymond Sanchez, Oxnard, 22 years old.
Jesse Rivas, Oxnard, 28 years old.
Gilberto Avilas, Oxnard, 36 years old.
Manuel Vasquez
David Wayne Dowden, Ventura, 36 years old.
Jesse Rivas, Oxnard, 28 years old.
Gilberto Avilas, Oxnard, 36 years old.
Manuel Vasquez
David Wayne Dowden, Ventura, 36 years old.
Leobardo Lizarraga, Santa Paula, 41 years old.
Elizabeth Salas, Oxnard, 24 years old.
Artemio Vargas Martinez, Oxnard, 43 years old.
James Boyce, Oxnard, 42 years old.
Felipe Ramirez, Oxnard, 17 years old.
Raymond Caballero, Oxnard, 22 years old.
Ricardo Rangel, Oxnard, 57 years old.
Rogelio Torres, Santa Paula, 20 years old.
Froilan Encinas Torres, Santa Paula, 47 years old.
Elizabeth Salas, Oxnard, 24 years old.
Artemio Vargas Martinez, Oxnard, 43 years old.
James Boyce, Oxnard, 42 years old.
Felipe Ramirez, Oxnard, 17 years old.
Raymond Caballero, Oxnard, 22 years old.
Ricardo Rangel, Oxnard, 57 years old.
Rogelio Torres, Santa Paula, 20 years old.
Froilan Encinas Torres, Santa Paula, 47 years old.
Anthony Rodriguez, Oxnard, 30 years old.
Israel Mendez, Oxnard, 20 years old.
Gabriel Gil Flores, Santa Monica Mountains, 32 years old.
Ralph McLaughlin, Oxnard, 38 years old.
Isaac Hughes, Oxnard, 61 years old.
Salvador Perez Chavez, Santa Paula, 16 years old.
Joseph McMullen, Santa Paula, 29 years old.
Anthony Rodriguez, Oxnard, 30 years old.
Israel Mendez, Oxnard, 20 years old.
Gabriel Gil Flores, Santa Monica Mountains, 32 years old.
Ralph McLaughlin, Oxnard, 38 years old.
Isaac Hughes, Oxnard, 61 years old.
Salvador Perez Chavez, Santa Paula, 16 years old.
Joseph McMullen, Santa Paula, 29 years old.
Lucille Jefferson, Oxnard, 22 years old.
Javier Marquez, Oxnard, 15 years old.
Jose Pimentel, Ventura, 20 years old.
Emilio Fernandez, Oxnard, 28 years old.
Juan Manuel Ramirez Jr., Oxnard, 23 years old.
Steven Lemos, Oxnard, 24 years old. *$60,000 REWARD*
Steven Miinster, Oxnard, 15 years old.
Jose Jaime Quinones Arellano, Santa Paula, 27 years old.
Salvador Martinez, Oxnard, 27 years old.
Jordan Daniel LeGrand, Thousand Oaks, 23 years old.
Ralph Lopez, Oxnard, 35 years old.
Gustavo Ramirez, Santa Paula, 21 years old.
Ignacio Henry Castro, Santa Paula, 23 years old.
Jesse Cardenas, Oxnard, 27 years old.
Rene Rodriguez, Fillmore, 27 years old.
Daniel Leon, Oxnard, 22 years old.
David Zuniga, Oxnard
Brian Brown, Oxnard, 28 years old. *solved* in 2015
Augustine David Medina, Oxnard, 19 years old.
Gilberto Gutierrez Hernandez, Oxnard, 19 years old.
Froylan Martinez, Oxnard, 16 years old.
James West, Ventura, 21 years old.
Jorge Ruiz Martinez, Oxnard, 36 years old.
Peter Nicholas Serrano, Fillmore, 21 years old.
Ricardo Veronica, Oxnard, 21 years old.
Anthony Palomares, Oxnard, 45 years old.
Juan Carlos Martinez, Oxnard, 22 years old.
Anthony Roseby, Port Hueneme, 21 years old.
Richard Gonzalez, Port Hueneme, 19 years old.
Joshua Lee Chavez, Oxnard, 20 years old.
Oscar Manuel Villa Cortes, Oxnard, 27 years old.
Fernando Mosqueda, Oxnard, 17 years old.
Jeffrey James Haerterich, Oxnard, 34 years old.
Randy Lynn Garner, Frazier Park, 31 years old.
Daniel Hernandez, Oxnard, 28 years old.
Dennis Wood, Moorpark, 71 years old.
Jose Garcia, Rivera, Oxnard, 27 years old.
Richard Palazuelos, Fillmore, 26 years old.
Rafael Arreguin, Santa Paula, 42 years old.
Oscar Rosendo Ponce, Oxnard, 33 years old.
Roland Espinosa, Oxnard, 20 years old.
Kristopher Reeves, Ventura, 15 years old.
Jose Asencion Perez, Oxnard, 18 years old.
Adrian Ernest James Burton, Oxnard, 33 years old.
Ronnie Perez, Oxnard, 45 years old.
Damien Jamahl Valentine, Port Hueneme, 27 years old.
Ralph De La Cerda, Oxnard, 55 years old.
James Kurges, Port Hueneme, 31 years old.
Simon Aristegui, Oxnard, 30 years old.
Gerardo Estrada Gomez, Oxnard, 52 years old.
Joaquin Castaneda, Oxnard, 48 years old.
Adam Villegas, Port Hueneme, 17 years old.
Elizabeth Castro Renteria, Oxnard, years old.
Oscar Gonzalez, Oxnard, 25 years old.
Clyde Blount, Saticoy, 46 years old.
Elisabeth Ayala, Oxnard, 50 years old.
Adrian Pulido, Oxnard, 19 years old.
Krystopher de Jon Jackson, Simi Valley, 17 years old.
Jesse Gutierrez Jr., Saticoy, 14 years old.
Alfred Romero Jr., Saticoy, 18 years old.
Gloria Altamirano-Guerra, Oxnard, 22 years old.
Octavio Lopez, Oxnard, 29 years old.
Walter Rodolfo Vela, Simi Valley, 24 years old.
Romulo Sanchez-Miguel, Oxnard, 33 years old.
Nicacio Ruiz-Valdez, Frazier Park, 29 years old.
Francisco Torres Gonzales, Port Hueneme, 59 years old.
Miguel Magana, Santa Paula, 21 years old.
Carlos Prado, Oxnard, 29 years old.
Jose Erik Esqueda, Oxnard, 25 years old.
Christian Garcia, Oxnard, 18 years old.
Barry Franklin, 48 years old.
Sophear Riem, 20 years old.
Jose Camacho, 22 years old.
Javier Marquez, Oxnard, 15 years old.
Jose Pimentel, Ventura, 20 years old.
Emilio Fernandez, Oxnard, 28 years old.
Juan Manuel Ramirez Jr., Oxnard, 23 years old.
Steven Lemos, Oxnard, 24 years old. *$60,000 REWARD*
Steven Miinster, Oxnard, 15 years old.
Jose Jaime Quinones Arellano, Santa Paula, 27 years old.
Salvador Martinez, Oxnard, 27 years old.
Jordan Daniel LeGrand, Thousand Oaks, 23 years old.
Ralph Lopez, Oxnard, 35 years old.
Gustavo Ramirez, Santa Paula, 21 years old.
Ignacio Henry Castro, Santa Paula, 23 years old.
Jesse Cardenas, Oxnard, 27 years old.
Rene Rodriguez, Fillmore, 27 years old.
Daniel Leon, Oxnard, 22 years old.
David Zuniga, Oxnard
Brian Brown, Oxnard, 28 years old. *solved* in 2015
Augustine David Medina, Oxnard, 19 years old.
Gilberto Gutierrez Hernandez, Oxnard, 19 years old.
Froylan Martinez, Oxnard, 16 years old.
James West, Ventura, 21 years old.
Jorge Ruiz Martinez, Oxnard, 36 years old.
Peter Nicholas Serrano, Fillmore, 21 years old.
Ricardo Veronica, Oxnard, 21 years old.
Anthony Palomares, Oxnard, 45 years old.
Juan Carlos Martinez, Oxnard, 22 years old.
Anthony Roseby, Port Hueneme, 21 years old.
Richard Gonzalez, Port Hueneme, 19 years old.
Joshua Lee Chavez, Oxnard, 20 years old.
Oscar Manuel Villa Cortes, Oxnard, 27 years old.
Fernando Mosqueda, Oxnard, 17 years old.
Jeffrey James Haerterich, Oxnard, 34 years old.
Randy Lynn Garner, Frazier Park, 31 years old.
Daniel Hernandez, Oxnard, 28 years old.
Dennis Wood, Moorpark, 71 years old.
Jose Garcia, Rivera, Oxnard, 27 years old.
Richard Palazuelos, Fillmore, 26 years old.
Rafael Arreguin, Santa Paula, 42 years old.
Oscar Rosendo Ponce, Oxnard, 33 years old.
Roland Espinosa, Oxnard, 20 years old.
Kristopher Reeves, Ventura, 15 years old.
Jose Asencion Perez, Oxnard, 18 years old.
Adrian Ernest James Burton, Oxnard, 33 years old.
Ronnie Perez, Oxnard, 45 years old.
Damien Jamahl Valentine, Port Hueneme, 27 years old.
Ralph De La Cerda, Oxnard, 55 years old.
James Kurges, Port Hueneme, 31 years old.
Simon Aristegui, Oxnard, 30 years old.
Gerardo Estrada Gomez, Oxnard, 52 years old.
Joaquin Castaneda, Oxnard, 48 years old.
Adam Villegas, Port Hueneme, 17 years old.
Elizabeth Castro Renteria, Oxnard, years old.
Oscar Gonzalez, Oxnard, 25 years old.
Clyde Blount, Saticoy, 46 years old.
Elisabeth Ayala, Oxnard, 50 years old.
Adrian Pulido, Oxnard, 19 years old.
Krystopher de Jon Jackson, Simi Valley, 17 years old.
Jesse Gutierrez Jr., Saticoy, 14 years old.
Alfred Romero Jr., Saticoy, 18 years old.
Gloria Altamirano-Guerra, Oxnard, 22 years old.
Octavio Lopez, Oxnard, 29 years old.
Walter Rodolfo Vela, Simi Valley, 24 years old.
Romulo Sanchez-Miguel, Oxnard, 33 years old.
Nicacio Ruiz-Valdez, Frazier Park, 29 years old.
Francisco Torres Gonzales, Port Hueneme, 59 years old.
Miguel Magana, Santa Paula, 21 years old.
Carlos Prado, Oxnard, 29 years old.
Jose Erik Esqueda, Oxnard, 25 years old.
Christian Garcia, Oxnard, 18 years old.
Barry Franklin, 48 years old.
Sophear Riem, 20 years old.
Jose Camacho, 22 years old.
Armando Sepulveda, 27 years old.
Jorge Zavala, 38 years old.
Richard Zarate, 28 years old. Killed in Anaheim.
Cristobal Flores, 21 years old.
Andrew John Singler, 18 years old.
Jose Luis Castro, 20 years old.
David Manuel Pimental, 66 years old.
David Rodriguez Ruelas, 29 years old.
Jesus Elery Shinn, 29 years old.
Victor Navarro, 33 years old.
Ismael Duran, 16 years old.
Mike Issa Grair
64 years old
*$100,000 Reward*
Jovany Cahuantzi, 19 years old.
Uriel Loya-Bucio, 32 years old.
Richard Acevedo, 21 years old.
Aracely Perez
Michael Carillo, 18 years old.
Alfredo Vargas, 28 years old.
Raquel Fuerte, 58 years old.
Ivan Avila, Oxnard, 22 years old.
Jorge Zavala, 38 years old.
Richard Zarate, 28 years old. Killed in Anaheim.
Cristobal Flores, 21 years old.
Andrew John Singler, 18 years old.
Jose Luis Castro, 20 years old.
David Manuel Pimental, 66 years old.
David Rodriguez Ruelas, 29 years old.
Jesus Elery Shinn, 29 years old.
Victor Navarro, 33 years old.
Ismael Duran, 16 years old.
Mike Issa Grair
64 years old
*$100,000 Reward*
Jovany Cahuantzi, 19 years old.
Uriel Loya-Bucio, 32 years old.
Richard Acevedo, 21 years old.
Aracely Perez
Michael Carillo, 18 years old.
Alfredo Vargas, 28 years old.
Raquel Fuerte, 58 years old.
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Ivan Avila |
Is this page still updating and uploading information. There is a case on here I am curious about. Any suggestions
ReplyDeleteIs this page still updating and uploading information. There is a case on here I am curious about. Any suggestions
ReplyDeleteHello, what case are you interested in? I am currently researching two specific cases, which one are you wanting more information on?
DeleteI may have unpublished info that I can update this week or can add it to my list.
A murder in Santa Paula 1994 Eric Velasquez's from Ventura what's the status.
ReplyDeleteWhy is this site of unsolved murder cases not updated?!! Eric Velasquez murder is not on your list!!!
DeleteHas anything been done about any of the 2004 unsolved murder of Randy Garner?
ReplyDeletethis was my dads case, i’m curious as well
DeleteI have no clue I am interested in a case from 96. I know there will pretty much be no further info on it
ReplyDeleteWhen is update gonna post
ReplyDeleteAre any of these related to the Golden State Killer that was recently caught (2018)?
ReplyDeleteYes, the one about Charlene and Lyman Smith.
DeleteHere's the link:
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteHow were Oxnard people Thomas Compton, Elizabeth Castro Renteria, Ralph Ismael Delacerda, Elizabeth Ayala, Miguel Rombulo Sanchez, Jose Reyes, and Benjamin Rojelio like them showing up, died?
ReplyDeleteDid they ever solve the death of Elizabeth Salas in 2000? I knew her when she lived here in the A.V
ReplyDeleteWho are you ? Because if you knew her you would’ve been I contact w her family .I hope you genuinely care.
DeleteHow Come the cold cases stop at 2009?
ReplyDeleteMan how I wish someone had more information on Walter Rodolfo Vela 2006. That was my brother... all these years later bro and nothing.....
ReplyDeleteSometimes a phone call to homicide requesting update as the brother, maybe request to meet with detective who was on case, can be enough to renew interest. At the very least it will remind them of the case and humanize the victim, your brother, which may lead into renewing interest.
DeleteI'm looking for any information on an incident that might have happened in camarillo, in 1993 to 1995 in the summer months. I can't find any information because it's so far back and those newspapers don't exist. Wasn't sure if anyone on the inside had any info or can find any reports of someone being abducted or attempted abduction. It most likely happened in 1994 to 1995, summer months. Anyway, thank you. Ill keep looking.
ReplyDeleteWhy isn't Eric Velasquez death in Santa Paula 1994 on here which is now a cold case and unsolved murder?
ReplyDeleteCool and I have a keen supply: House Renovation What Order home renovation burnaby